
Yoroi is an open-source and the first light wallet built for Cardano ADA users to be your gateway to Cardano’s Web3 ecosystem of dApps including DeFi and NFTs.

Yoroi is an open-source and the first light wallet built for Cardano ADA users to be your gateway to Cardano’s Web3 ecosystem of dApps including DeFi and NFTs.

As a self-custodial wallet, the user always has complete control over their Cardano ADA and can stake and unstake as they wish.

EMURGO and Yoroi Wallet would also love to hear back from the community. We have created a Yoroi community feedback form to gather ideas and ways to improve the Yoroi user experience.

Please find the Yoroi community feedback form here.

If you need further assistance, contact Yoroi’s customer help desk here and a customer support specialist shall respond within 24 hours.

We’ve made changes to how we store and retrieve data that improve Yoroi’s efficiency

Yoroi Then: Since 2018, Yoroi has been using PostgreSQL, an open-source relational database, for its data management. Relational databases like PostgreSQL utilize tables and indexing for data management. This makes PostgreSQL great for handling small to medium-sized information but has query limitations as the size and interconnectedness of the blockchain data increases.

Yoroi Now: As part of our performance review, we looked into other options for managing the various data gathered from the Cardano Blockchain and from Yoroi Wallet itself. We’re now in the process of our switch from PostgreSQL to a Graph database which is great news for Yoroi users, as they will see significant performance upgrades when fetching data.

We’ve made critical operational improvements

Our Yoroi users were commonly experiencing slow wallet syncing and other inconvenient performance issues. Sometimes this was caused by congestion and overload to our backend servers. To solve this, we’ve made a sizable investment to upgrade servers to enterprise-grade. We have added servers with enhanced memory and increased processing power to operate well during peak loads. This infrastructure enhancement together with software architecture changes has resulted in faster transactions and sync times.

In addition, we are adding management capabilities to our data centers to monitor the health of our systems and respond to issues before they impact our users. Our new enterprise-grade infrastructure allows us to set a threshold for the amount of data we can handle, and when it goes over this limit or when something fails, we are notified automatically. This lets us scale up and down the infrastructure, or take other corrective measures, as needed.

Last updated